Raziel Damon

╔═══════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ═══════════╗Disclaimer:I'm NOT (!) the Person on the Pic!
The Bluesky/Minds Account associated with this Site
is for Role Play purposes ONLY!
The Person on the Picture is in NO WAY (!)
affiliated with me, the Owner and Writer
of the associated Bluesky/Minds Account!
Statements, Opinions and Actions are
at no time (!) related to the real person
who is used as the FC!
Interactions with people from Real Life are
NOT (!) desired and RL Accounts will be
blocked without exception!
Beware:The associated Bluesky Account is not
suitable for minors nor for RPs with them!
The content is strictly aimed at adults!
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Social Media Links:Bluesky: Lt. Raziel Damon
Mastodon: Lt. Raziel Damon
Minds Lt. Raziel Damon

╔════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ════════╗Important Disclaimer:
As a basis for both lores I use the story
from the game series Legacy of Kain.
I rewrote some things and added my own ideas
and thoughts, also influenced by various
books/tv shows/movies and my
interest in biology.
So there are more or less overlaps with
various Verses possible.
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Choose your Path!

Choose! Choose the path you want to follow.
But beware, there is no turning back.

What awaits you?
This path is a dark romantic , chilling and fun path.
Dusk City is the city where Raziel currently lives. Although, not directly in town as much more on his property in the adjacent forest.
But be careful, once you have entered the city, you will not be able to leave it again so easy.


What awaits you here?
This path is not only dark, but also dangerous. Beware of those who flatter you, beautiful words often hide evil intentions.
Once in this land, you will never see your loved ones again, unless your new master allows it.

» Content/Character Tags:
#CanonAU #OC #RP #FanFiction #MVRP #Supernatural
#Mature #MS #PresentTime #TriggerWarning
#Dark #MDNI
» Type of Character: Canon AU OC
» Verse/Fandom: Legacy of Kain
» Face Claim: Stephen James Hendry
» Artist: -

» Content/Character Tags:
#CanonAU #OC #RP #FanFiction #MVRP #Supernatural
#Mature #MS #PresentTime #TriggerWarning
#Dark #MDNI
» Type of Character: Canon AU OC
» Verse/Fandom: Legacy of Kain
» Face Claim: Stephen James Hendry
» Artist: -

» Code Name: -
» Alias: -
» Name: Damon
» First Name: Raziel
» Species: Vampire
» Age: 1126 years, looks like 30
» Gender: Male
» Blood Type: unknown
» Voice: Clear, deep and dark voice with a slightly smokey undertone
» Height: 6'2 ft | 1,89 m
» Sexuality: Hetero
» Weaknesses: Fire, Poison
» Occupation: Freelancer, Clan Leader» Weapons: Sword, Scythe

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» Code Name: -
» Alias: -
» Name: Unknown
» First Name: Raziel
» Species: Vampire
» Age: 1126 years, looks like 30
» Gender: Male
» Blood Type: unknown
» Voice: Clear, deep and dark voice with a slightly smokey undertone
» Height: 6'2 ft | 1,89 m
» Sexuality: Hetero
» Weaknesses: Fire, Poison
» Occupation: Clan Leader» Weapons: Sword, Scythe

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Personality Assessment

Only caring & loyal to his Clan & Friends, protective, hides his emotions, can be romantic if he really wants, strange sense of humor, sarcastic, cold blooded, cunning, sneaky and merciless» Likes: Nighttime, Horror Movies, ride-outs, work out, teasing, etc.» Dislikes: Daytime, bad food, romanticize Vampires, etc.



• As a new Vampire, Raziel had a lot of trouble adjusting to his new life. Raziel's main problem was to estimate his power, among many other minor problems.• He was expelled from the council for his ideas and recommended that he go into exile to protect his clan. So it was that he was forced to leave Nosgoth.• His best friend Dwayne and Pyriel work for him and are very loyal to him. Both followed Raziel into exile much later, as Nosgoth became increasingly dangerous for them, especially for Pyriel.More will coming soon...

Present Time:

• He lives on a large estate in the adjacent wooded area of Dusk City.• Raziel has some secret projects of his own to take care of, besides the usual ones.More will coming soon...

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Personality Assessment

Only caring & loyal to his Clan & Friends, protective, patiently, in a way arrogant, can be charming if he really want, flattering when necessary, sarcastic, sadistic, cold blooded, cunning, sneaky and merciless» Likes: Nighttime, Horror Movies, ride-outs, work out, teasing, etc.» Dislikes: Daytime, bad food, romanticize Vampires, etc.


• As a new Vampire, Raziel had a lot of trouble adjusting to his new life. Raziel's main problem was to estimate his power, among many other minor problems.• Raziel is the oldest among the 6 Clan Leaders.• As Kain's right-hand man and member of the council, Raziel was very well behaved, even if he didn't like someone to begin with.• Raziel continues to lead his Clan with a firm hand, even after Kain's disappearance.• It is almost impossible to provoke him, as he shows little or no emotion in strange company and always seems very self-controlled. As a result, he always seems arrogant and cold to others, while never losing his good manners.
Whereby he occasionally insisted on expressing small provocations to his counterpart. The reactions to it amused him, even if he didn't show it.
• His patience has driven many almost literally insane in the past. And somehow he also enjoyed watching others lose their calm and patience while he patiently waited.
His patience is even greater in fights, making him all the more unpredictable.
• In battle he shows no mercy, rather he has a strong tendency to be sadistic and likes to play with his victims before ultimately killing them.• There is no sexual component to Raziel's sadism, nor does it turn him on in any way. Although there is a power component involved, but this side has a more secondary role.
Rather, it has to do with the primitive, animalistic component, which he very rarely gives in to and which erupts in some of his victims.
• There must be something very special about his victim for him to show his sadistic streak, otherwise he prefers to kill them quickly.• Raziel has some secret projects of his own to take care of, besides the usual ones.• He lives in the Sanctuary of his Clan and has secret rooms in addition to his well-known ones. It is no secret that he is there and where the Sanctuary is located, even the Vampire Hunters know where it is.• Only the most experienced Vampires of his Clan, whom he trusts, and a special Elite Squad also live in the Sanctuary. The other Clan members are scattered in smaller Villages not far from the Sanctuary.
A few human slaves who serve him also live in the Sanctuary.
• The Slaves in Raziel's court all wear a wide collar, which also has a badge with his Clan Symbol on it.
But some of the Slaves also have a brand mark on their right shoulder blade in the form of the Clan Symbol. These are the ones who were caught again after a supposedly successful escape and it was Raziel himself who inflicted this brand on them as a warning. In addition, these Slaves were locked in a cell in the dungeon for a month after receiving the branding. Of course under medical supervision. After all, Slaves were expensive and not as easy to obtain as one might think.
The exact number of his Slaves is unknown, as is their age, but there were no minors among them.
Raziel was very careful that only Slaves aged 21 or older entered his service.
• As Cold-blooded, sadistic, and dangerous Raziel is, he has his limitations. He would never think of harming a child, even if the child attackes him out of the situation.
But that doesn't mean he's particularly fond of children. He is more concerned with fairness, a child is simply not an appropriate opponent compared to an adult.
In addition, in his opinion, it would be very pathetic and wretched to attack a child.

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› General:

Tactician, Spellbinder, very experienced fighter, specialist in cutting and stabbing weapons, hypnosis, high agility, high strength, high regeneration, heightened senses, high resilience than most ordinary Vampires, immortal

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› General:

Tactician, Spellbinder, very experienced fighter, specialist in cutting and stabbing weapons, hypnosis, high agility, high strength, high regeneration, heightened senses, high resilience than most ordinary Vampires, immortal

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» Family: Dead


People important to Raziel:

» Dwayne:
• Dwayne is Raziel's best friend.
The two have been friends since they were young and have always supported each other. Dwayne helps Raziel from time to time when he needs his help with something.
• His full name is Dwayne Adahy and he is the leader of a Pack of Wendigowak.


» Pyriel Phoenix:Comming soon...

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» Family: Dead


People important to Raziel:

» Dwayne:
• Dwayne is Raziel's best friend.
The two have been friends since they were young and have always supported each other. Dwayne helps Raziel from time to time when he needs his help with something.
• His full name is Dwayne Adahy and he is the leader of a Pack of Wendigowak.

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There are many different types of Vampirism and it differs not only from country to country but also from habitat to habitat.
A lot of it is just pure folklore, thought up by people in earlier times to describe things they couldn't understand or to give them a name.

For more informations please open the Files below.


There are many different types of Vampirism and it differs not only from country to country but also from habitat to habitat.
A lot of it is just pure folklore, thought up by people in earlier times to describe things they couldn't understand or to give them a name.

For more informations please open the Files below.

Blood Ritual

The blood ritual is a very old ritual in which a vampire gives a human some of his blood to drink.
As a result, this human usually suffers death only to be resurrected as a new vampire.
For a long time there were rumors that the vampire had to suck out the blood of the human he wants to transform until shortly before cardiac arrest, but research has shown that this is only a rumor.
However, whether this type of vampire is capable of reproduction is unknown, as there are no clearly documented cases of this.

Blood Ritual

The blood ritual is a very old ritual in which a vampire gives a human some of his blood to drink.
As a result, this human usually suffers death only to be resurrected as a new vampire.
For a long time there were rumors that the vampire had to suck out the blood of the human he wants to transform until shortly before cardiac arrest, but research has shown that this is only a rumor.
However, whether this type of vampire is capable of reproduction is unknown, as there are no clearly documented cases of this.

Blood Curse

The Winged Race, were one of the three original sapient species known to exist before Nosgoth's recorded history.
The blood curse was imposed on the Winged Race by the Hylden during a thousand year war between the two factions.
The ancient Vampires, also referred to simply as the Ancients or the
Originally, the Ancients were mortal creatures, but when they were afflicted with the blood curse by their Hylden adversaries, they became sterile immortals with supernatural powers, forced to drink blood to survive.
The ancient Vampires through this curse had been made sterile, effectively making their race unable to rebuild and prosper after the war, as well as being given a horrible bloodlust.
It was the final part of the curse that truly condemned the Vampires as a race as it struck them with immortality.

Blood Curse

The Winged Race, were one of the three original sapient species known to exist before Nosgoth's recorded history.
The blood curse was imposed on the Winged Race by the Hylden during a thousand year war between the two factions.
The ancient Vampires, also referred to simply as the Ancients or the
Originally, the Ancients were mortal creatures, but when they were afflicted with the blood curse by their Hylden adversaries, they became sterile immortals with supernatural powers, forced to drink blood to survive.
The ancient Vampires through this curse had been made sterile, effectively making their race unable to rebuild and prosper after the war, as well as being given a horrible bloodlust.
It was the final part of the curse that truly condemned the Vampires as a race as it struck them with immortality.


In Nosgoth there are two different types of necromancy to create a Vampire, as it is in the rest of the world is not known.The first option is to use an appropriate item like the Heart of Darkness.
The Heart of Darkness is the heart of Janos Audron, one of the last existing Ancient Vampires of Nosgoth.
When the object is implanted in the dead body of a person and by means of the associated ritual, the person returns to life as a Vampire.
This method can be used by a human (Necromancer) to create a Vampire.
However, since such items are extremely rare, this method is no longer practiced.
The second way is to catch a soul from the underworld and imprison it in the respective dead body.
In this procedure, a part of its own is added to the soul in order to transmit the vampiric gift.
This could be done with any sized fraction of the Soul, though the more was used, generally, the more powerful the Vampire was when they returned to life.
This method used to be used in Nosgoth to raise huge armies for war.
This type of vampire has been shown to be sterile and cannot reproduce naturally.
This method can only be used by Vampires.


In Nosgoth there are two different types of necromancy to create a Vampire, as it is in the rest of the world is not known.The first option is to use an appropriate item like the Heart of Darkness.
The Heart of Darkness is the heart of Janos Audron, one of the last existing Ancient Vampires of Nosgoth.
When the object is implanted in the dead body of a person and by means of the associated ritual, the person returns to life as a Vampire.
This method can be used by a human (Necromancer) to create a Vampire.
However, since such items are extremely rare, this method is no longer practiced.
The second way is to catch a soul from the underworld and imprison it in the respective dead body.
In this procedure, a part of its own is added to the soul in order to transmit the vampiric gift.
This could be done with any sized fraction of the Soul, though the more was used, generally, the more powerful the Vampire was when they returned to life.
This method used to be used in Nosgoth to raise huge armies for war.
This type of vampire has been shown to be sterile and cannot reproduce naturally.
This method can only be used by Vampires.

Vampire Genes/V Genes


An estimated 3/4 of the human population in Nosgoth is a carrier of the V-Gene. But not all humans who carry this Gene turn into Vampires. In fact, it was found that not even 20% of the carriers transformed.The V-Gene comes in two variants.
There is a dominant and a recessive form of the Gene.
The V-Gene, or rather Genes, were first discovered in Nosgoth about 300 years ago.
It was found out that the dominant variant is mainly carried by men, while the recessive form is predominantly carried by women. Men and women can carry both variants or just one.
Whereby the dominant variant is decisive for men, while the recessive variant is decessive for women in order to become a Vampire.
With men, the dominant variant leads to approx. 55% that they slowly turn into a Vampire during their puberty. For women, on the other hand, there is only a approx. 45% chance that they will turn into Vampires during their puberty.
In women, the dominant variant is inactive, while the recessive variant is dormant and only becomes active at puberty.
It is also interesting that not all who transform survive this transformation. About 40% do not survive due to the temporary severe weakening of the body and the individual duration of the transformation.Whether and how many humans outside of Nosgoth carry one or the other variant of this Gene is unknown.

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Not much is known about the genesis of the V-Gene, but there is a coherent theory.When the winged race existed, well before the first wars in Nosgoth, it was not unlikely that some humans would occasionally become involved with the winged race. This resulted in certain Genes of the winged race being introduced into humans, although at first this did not seem to have much of an effect on the offspring of such a compound. Such connections were not welcomed, but were nevertheless tolerated.
That, or rather the Genes that were later to be identified as the V-Genes, apparently had no function for a long time.
But that seemed to change with the curse the Hylden had placed on the winged race before they were banished and sealed into the demon dimension.
So it can be assumed that due to the curse, these Genes spontaneously went through a mutation and thus got a purpose.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to get to the bottom of this theory that the winged race died out with Janos Audrons dead and his body was cremated as well.
Likewise, his heart, known as the Heart of Darkness, has remained missing to this day.

Vampire Genes/V Genes


An estimated 3/4 of the human population in Nosgoth is a carrier of the V-Gene. But not all humans who carry this Gene turn into Vampires. In fact, it was found that not even 20% of the carriers transformed.The V-Gene comes in two variants.
There is a dominant and a recessive form of the Gene.
The V-Gene, or rather Genes, were first discovered in Nosgoth about 300 years ago.
It was found out that the dominant variant is mainly carried by men, while the recessive form is predominantly carried by women. Men and women can carry both variants or just one.
Whereby the dominant variant is decisive for men, while the recessive variant is decessive for women in order to become a Vampire.
With men, the dominant variant leads to approx. 55% that they slowly turn into a Vampire during their puberty. For women, on the other hand, there is only a approx. 45% chance that they will turn into Vampires during their puberty.
In women, the dominant variant is inactive, while the recessive variant is dormant and only becomes active at puberty.
It is also interesting that not all who transform survive this transformation. About 40% do not survive due to the temporary severe weakening of the body and the individual duration of the transformation.Whether and how many humans outside of Nosgoth carry one or the other variant of this Gene is unknown.

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Not much is known about the genesis of the V-Gene, but there is a coherent theory.When the winged race existed, well before the first wars in Nosgoth, it was not unlikely that some humans would occasionally become involved with the winged race. This resulted in certain Genes of the winged race being introduced into humans, although at first this did not seem to have much of an effect on the offspring of such a compound. Such connections were not welcomed, but were nevertheless tolerated.
That, or rather the Genes that were later to be identified as the V-Genes, apparently had no function for a long time.
But that seemed to change with the curse the Hylden had placed on the winged race before they were banished and sealed into the demon dimension.
So it can be assumed that due to the curse, these Genes spontaneously went through a mutation and thus got a purpose.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to get to the bottom of this theory that the winged race died out with Janos Audrons dead and his body was cremated as well.
Likewise, his heart, known as the Heart of Darkness, has remained missing to this day.

Name of the City: Dusk City
Population: approx. 100,000 (fluctuating slightly)
Age of the City: approx. 360 years


Welcome to the Dusk City, a City where not everything is what it seems.Evil tongues would claim that this City is ruled by the underground, so by strange, shady people, or whatever they really are.
If there is anything true in these Rumors?
Well, who knows.
Most of the time things are peaceful in this City.
Which doesn't mean that there are no problems here, besides the usual boredom.
Ranging from seemingly harmless, mysterious and often questionable sightings, to public excesses of violence by smaller groups who have probably bumped into each other while drunk or triggered by rivalry, you will find everything here.
Sometimes you ask yourself "Has everyone gone crazy?" or you just think "The fact there is still no asylum here yet is crazy!".
But despite all adversities, it's easy to endure and live here.
Starting from the Marketplace, which is quite large, this City spreads for miles like a spider's web.
There are a huge forest with high mountains on the northern and western sides, while a large grassy landscape with fields can be seen on the southern side and a large swamp stretches out on the eastern side of the City.
But be warned, the forest and the swamp are dangerous places, especially at night of which only a few can report.
At night, a thick veil of fog falls around the city, in which many people have already been lost.
Very few found their way back to the City after days of wandering around, confused.
As if the City doesn't want to let its residents go.
A coach that comes twice a month is the only way to really get out of this City.


Important Places you should know:

» Marketplace:
Bazaars take place here every day.
There is a lot going on over the "counter" and sometimes also some things underneath.
Everything is sold here, from fruit and vegetables to all kinds of curiosities that you probably won't find anywhere else.
Twice a month (middle and end) a coach comes by and stops at a stop on the edge of the market square.


» Absintheria Silver Moon:
An Absintheria that is well attended, with soft Music, lots of laughter and gossip.
The best smell kitchen in town.


» Rose Noire Club:
A small underground Club next to the Absintheria with an entrance on the Marketplace.
It’s an alternative Club in which, depending on the day of the week, other Music is played than just Rock, EBM, etc.


» The Library:
In fact a somewhat misleading name, as it is a Book-Store to which a large Library is attached, which is where the name comes from.
It is located next to the Rose Noire Club.
If you are looking for knowledge you will find it here, because the topics couldn't be more varied.
The heart of every bookworm rejoices.


» Swan Pond Park:
A park like any other and with a large pond.
Well attended by couples at night who have their little rendezvous there.
This park is located next to the The Library-Store.


» Howling Wolf:
A restaurant with overnight accommodation for travelers, right on the market square and next to the Swan Pond Park.
There is good food here and a comfortable bed to sleep in.
May Morpheus, the god of dreams, watch over your sleep.


» Blood bank:
The name does what it says on the tin and is located near the Ring Park.
Human blood is stored here and besides humans, only vampires are allowed to enter this building.
Vampires have a separate entrance to collect their blood ration.
The blood bank belongs to a vampire who doesn't want to be named.


» Ring Park:
A Park that runs like a very wide green Ring in a circle through the City, separating the huge City Center from the rest of the City.
It is not as peaceful here as in Swan Pond Park and at night it is not a good idea to cross this park.
There are a few safe Paths and Streets leading through this Park, but you should never leave them at night, no matter what you hear, just keep walking/driving.

Name of the City: City of Eternal Night
Population: approx. 125,000 (fluctuating)
Age of the City: Unknown, older than the City itself


Welcome to the Underground, where dangers lurk around every corner.The Underground, also known as the City of Eternal Night, is a place where uninitiated humans don't want to be and even those in the initiated usually avoid this place!All sorts of strange characters hang around here and, according to rumors, not only humans.
Most of what is hanging around here cannot really be called human.
Even if they look like a human, who knows if it is really one.
The entrance to this area is hidden somewhere in the city, with more than one entrance.


Important Places you should know:

» Marketplace:
On this market square there are stalls packed together, where ready-made food and exotic - looking food - which as a human being shouldn't be eaten - are sold.
But you can also find all kinds of ritual objects and ingredients here.
Whoever comes here will usually find what he, she or it is looking for.


» Rose Noire Club:
On this side of the club, the who's who of the Underworld hangs out here and goes about their business.
Beware of the plants, as beautiful as they look, they are also dangerous.
Of course, this part of the Club has a separate entrance that can be found somewhere in the Underground.


» Black Club:
A Table Dance Bar like everywhere, only that the dancers here might bite your arm off instead of just nibbling gently on your neck.
Take good care of yourself!


» Spider web:
This is a small bookstore that sells all sorts of curious books that you won't find in The Library bookstore.


» Evil Blood:
Who came up with this name is unknown, but the black humor behind it makes some smile.
This is the underground version of a blood bank that is also directly below the blood bank on the surface.
But not only human blood is kept here.
Both blood banks exchange information, whereby not only blood is exchanged.
While the underground blood bank receives human blood, the aboveground receives poisons in various forms (vegetal and animal) so that antidotes can be produced.


Nosgoth is a small "Island" (1.927.000 km², a little bit bigger than Queensland, Australia) who "appeared" suddenly in the South Pacific Ocean in the present time. The Island is actually a Mega-Volcano, whose Volcano has been extinct for thousands of years, whose crater rim acts like a mountain range and forms an almost continuous ring around the Island.
This crater rim falls steeply towards the ocean, so that nobody can enter the continent at this places.Nosgoth can't be found using human technology.
The Continent is hidden from the rest of the World by a mix of special Vampiric technology and magic.

Headcanon Nosgoth:

• Even a curse like the Blood Curse1 loses its power at some point when the energy with which it was pronounced is used up and no new one is supplied.
As a result, Vampires created by the V-Gene must also eat normal food. What has the positive side effect that the blood thirst is a little weaker.
1(You can read more about this in the Vampirism section under Blood Curse and V-Gens.)
• Even though Raziel's Clan runs blood banks and in addition each Vampire Clan sends squads to kidnap humans from the Outer World to be brought to Nosgoth, this does not solve the problem of the humans slowly becoming extinct.• The fact that the human population in Nosgoth is so low is not only due to the bloodthirstiness of the Vampires, but also to their majority.• Even though Nosgoth has broken away from the rest of the world and kept in hiding, a brisk trade is still practiced with the underground beings of the outside world.
This approach also allowed Nosgoth to remain technologically up to date, with the exception of weapons. The Vampires were very wary of this, as there have been Vampire Hunters in Nosgoth to this day.
But it could not be completely prevented, which was due to the circumstance of escaped Slaves.

History of Nosgoth

The ancient Vampires, also referred to simply as the Ancients or the Winged Race, were one of the three original sapient species known to exist before Nosgoth's recorded history.
Considered Nosgoth's most pure, wise and noble civilization, the ancient Vampires came to worship the Elder God and exalted his doctrine, preaching their belief in his purifying cycle of birth, death and rebirth through his Wheel of Fate.
When the Hylden refused to submit to the Wheel, the two races became bitter rivals, resulting in the catastrophic Vampire-Hylden war, which lasted for a millennium. It led to the raising of the Pillars of Nosgoth, the inception of the Circle of Nine, and, effectively, the eradication of both species from Nosgoth's Material Realm. Originally, the Ancients were mortal creatures, but when they were afflicted with the blood curse by their Hylden adversaries, they became sterile immortals with supernatural powers, forced to drink blood to survive. Desperate to preserve their bloodline in some form, they passed their curse on to Nosgoth's humans before becoming extinct.
As devout worshippers of the Elder God, the Ancient Vampires believed in his doctrine completely. Unquestioning followers of his every word, they converted the other races of Nosgoth to worship their Elder God. The Humans became followers also, but it was the race known as the Hylden, and their refusal to be converted that spelled the dawn of the dark times of Nosgoth. Unwilling to accept a religion they deemed wrong, the feud they had quickly grew into a war that after a thousand years of battle proved equally devastating for both races.To end the war both sides devised a way to finish the war once and for all. While the Hylden designed a Device capable of eliminating all life on Nosgoth except them, the Vampires used their magical skills to tear a hole in the fabric of reality to a parallel realm known as the Demon Dimension in order to cast their adversaries in. Countless generations of Vampires and Hylden had died in this war and yet to end the war both races plotted to completely erase the other from Nosgoth altogether. Nine sorcerers among the Vampires banished the Hylden to the Demon Dimension and, to ensure they could not return, raised the Pillars of Nosgoth to seal the passages between the two realms shut for as long as they stood. As the banishment was completed the Hylden cursed their enemies with their final breath. However they did not fully understand the true nature of their curse until after the dust had settled. They had been made sterile, effectively making their race unable to rebuild and prosper after the war, as well as being given a horrible bloodlust.
It was the final part of the curse that truly condemned the Vampires as a race as it struck them with immortality. The effects of this were felt immediately as their Elder God, and his Wheel of Fate, turned his back on them falling silent. The now immortal Vampires, having never been cut off from their God, slowly went mad with anguish. Many committed suicide in order to return to the Wheel of Fate. Those that choose to carry on immortal and godless where governed by the original members of the Circle for a time.In time the Ancient Guardians also met an end, although it is not known if they committed suicide as their past brethren did or in an as yet unknown feud which resulted in them being entombed, which caused the Pillars to select new Guardians at birth. Since the Vampires did not give birth anymore the Pillars selected Human replacements which caused distress amongst the Vampires. Knowing that the Pillars had to remain under their rule they discovered a means of passing their curse on to Humans and the human born Guardians. But inevitably the Human Guardians opposed this ritual forced upon them and rebelled. In the end, Mortanius the Guardian of Death and Moebius the Guardian of Time, led the revolt against the vampiric members of the Pillar Guardians and overthrew them along with their Ancient forefathers.The Ancients and their history slowly died out over the ages, and the only one to survive long enough was the secret tenth Guardian (of the Reaver), Janos Audron, who commissioned and guarded the Soul Reaver, a weapon intended to be used by a prophesied hero who would one day restore the Pillars to the rule of the Vampires. With Janos Audron being cast into the Demon Dimension in by the Hylden Lord, the Ancient vampires exist only in Nosgoth in the memories of the ageless or within myth and legend.
(Source: LoK Wiki: Legacy of Kain Wiki)Later, Humans waged several wars against the new Vampires, in which Humans were always defeated. During these times, the Vampires decided to break away from the rest of the World and made their Sorcerers hide the small continent in a dense mysterious fog bank.

Nosgoth Today

The Vampires dominate in Nosgoth.
While the Humans of Nosgoth became less and less over the centuries, the Vampires decided to kidnapp Humans from the Outworld, to bring them to Nosgoth as slaves.
This still happens today. Today, in the present, the Elder God is long forgotten.
Hardly any Human and the Vampires remember him or the Hylden. But there are still some insurgent Humans fighting the Vampires till this days.
Besides Vampires and Humans exist other Beings too on this Continent, like Demons, Angels, Good and Evil Spirits/Beings.After Kain's disappearance, the Vampire Clans were left to their own devices, which was and is not to the advantage of the humans of Nosgoth. Some of the Clans spread almost unchecked.


Kain was inextricably tangled in plots to control the fate of his world, Nosgoth.
The son of an aristocratic family, he lived the life of an ambitious young nobleman, never realizing his undiscovered destiny – to take his rightful place as Balance Guardian, and serve the Pillars of Nosgoth. During one fateful journey, Kain was cruelly assassinated and resurrected from the dead.
His quest for vengeance led him on a torturous journey of self-discovery as his curse of vampirism took irrevocable hold on his soul. Cunning and relentless, Kain battled the oppressive agents of fate that sought to destroy him.
For centuries, he ruthlessly pursued a singular ambition: to restore the land of Nosgoth, and return it to Vampire rule. About a hundred years ago, Kain vanished without a trace, leaving the clans without guidance or direction.



RazielimClan Leader: Raziel
Population: approx. 40000
Description: As Kain's first Lieutenant Raziel and his descendants are likely the most powerful Vampires in Nosgoth, apart from the members of the Council.
Raziel is Kain's second-in-command.
They are been Kains special forces as, they become described to be Artisans, Philosophers, Spellbinders, Tacticians, Archers, Blood Bankers, and Manipulators.
Vampire Warriors:
• Spellbinder
• Tacticians
• Archer



TurelimClan Leader:Turel
Population: approx. 60000
Description:Turel is being the second Lieutenant raised by Kain, he is the second born after Raziel, and his descendants are among the most powerful Vampires in Nosgoth, particularly noted as the "physically strongest" and become described definitively as "the most powerful Vampires in Nosgoth" after Raziels Clan.
They become been the Elite Shock Troops of Kain's Legions and Assassin's, used in storming the most powerful Human Strongholds that Kain would not risk the Razielim on.
Vampire Warriors:
• Elite Shock Troops
• Assassin's



DumahimClan Leader: Dumah
Population: approx. 80000
Description: Dumah, the third born Lieutenant, the Dumahim are among the most numerous Vampires in Nosgoth. These Vampires are the Simple Troops, Rogue and Archers of Kain's Legions, the most disposable and easily replaced.Vampire Warriors:
• Simple Troops
• Rogue



RahabimClan Leader: Rahab
Population: approx. 50000
Description: Rahab is the fourth born Lieutenant and, though one of the weakest Clans, they are described as Artisans, Explorers and Special forces.
They are used as Scouts to spy on the humans in their cities. They are the Aquatic Assault Force in Kain's Legions.
Vampire Warriors:
• Aquatic Assault
• Scouts



ZephonimClan Leader: Zephon
Population: approx. 45000
Description: Zephon is the fifth Lieutenant born and the Zephonim are one of the weakest Vampire Clans in Nosgoth.
They are extremely quick and agile, they are even able to climb walls, they are Scouts and Stealth Forces in Kain's Legions.
Vampire Warriors:
• Scouts
• Stealth



MelchiahimClan Leader: Melchiah
Population: approx. 35000
Description: Melchiah is the last born Lieutenant, and he is the weakest of all the Clan Leaders - so much so that his flesh rotten. Melchiah chooses often pick the most beautiful Humans and skin and don their flesh to cover his putrescence. His children do the same to help hold their own rotting carcasses together.
The Melchahim are the weakest Vampires in Nosgoth, the way they are. They become used as the Rank-and-File Troops like the Dumahim or simply as Fodder to direct the enemy's attention.
Vampire Warriors:
• Rank-and-File Troops
• Fodder

╔═════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ═════╗Raziel doesn't have
a Ship yet.
╚═════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ═════╝

╔═════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ═════╗Raziel doeasn't have
a ship yet.
╚═════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ═════╝

══════ ☽•°°•☾ ══════__Disclaimer:
__ I'm NOT (!) the Person on the Pic!
The Bluesky/Minds Account associated with this Site is for Role Play purposes ONLY!
The Person on the Picture is in NO WAY (!) affiliated with me, the Owner and Writer of the associated Bluesky/Minds Account!
Interactions with people from Real Life (RL) are NOT (!) desired and RL Accounts are blocked without exception!
This Account is not suitable for minors nor for RPs with them!
The content is strictly aimed at adults!
══════ ☽•°1°•☾ ══════Faceclaim (FC)Meaning: My muse looks like the person used as FC without being that person.Note: Statements, Opinions and Actions are at no time related to the real person who is used as the FC!══════ ☽•°2°•☾ ══════How I write• "...Text..." → In Character talk 1
• '...Text...' → In Character Shapeshifter 1
• ...Text... → What the Character is doing
• [...Text...] → Thoughts in Character
• //...Text... → Out of Character (OoC)
1 Pls don't take everything so serious when I'm in Character! Thx!══════ ☽•°3°•☾ ══════Writer vs MuseKeep in mind that Words, Actions, as well as Behavior, Personality, Personal Views, or Opinions of my Muse are not a personal representation of me, the Writer and the used FC.IC is different from OoC!My Muse has their own Personality and Life Experience and will act according to their past experiences, their own personality and the situation.══════ ☽•°4°•☾ ══════Drama = Block› Don't involve/drag me (the Writer) in stupid unnecessary Drama, I've had enough of that in the past.
If there is something that bothers you then talk to me directly in the DM.
If you do it regardless, I will block you without warning.
› Don't accuse me (the Writer) of anything without first talking to me personally.
As an example, never accuse me of copying another Muse just because I use the same FC and without first taking a good look at my Muse!
If you do it nevertheless, you will be blocked without warning.
══════ ☽•°5°•☾ ══════Punctuations, Speech & ActionPlease put at least a little bit effort in your replies and keep your speech and actions separated. Thx!══════ ☽•°6°•☾ ══════OpenRP & Specific Starters› OpenRP: I don't always write OpeneRP in a post. The reasons for this are that I am sometimes too lazy to write it in or simply need the space because I want to leave it at one post.› Specific Starters: In the case of plotted SLs, the post is set to "Only mentioned persons can reply".
Unfortunately, it has happened in the past that unwanted (harmless) reactions occurred.
══════ ☽•°7°•☾ ══════My DMsAre mostly open for OoC talk.
Please ask beforehand if I want to RP in my DMs.
You can also hit me up there if you have any questions about a RP or my Muse.
Pls accept & respect that I preffer to RP on the TL. Thx!══════ ☽•°8°•☾ ══════How descriptive I am?I'm semi descriptive til descriptive.
It depends on my mood & inspiration!
══════ ☽•°9°•☾ ══════Ships w/ChemNo focus on that.
Talk with me about that beforehand!
#MultiShip (#MS) means for me different Timelines/Story's and not one!
If you don't like my ship/s and you can't respect it, you'd better go.
══════ ☽•°10°•☾ ══════Flirt, Lewd, Erotic & NsfwFlirt: Possible that my Muse will tease your Muse in a flirty way.Lewd: This Account is not a lewd Account!!Erotic: No focus on it and only with Ship.Forced or even the attempt will not be tolerated and will result in a block.
I have certain limits, please ask them beforehand!!!
My muse doesn't exist to satisfy your sexual needs or fantasy!Nsfw: Doesn't always mean Erotic, it means also Mature and Dark themed stuff.══════ ☽•°°•☾ ══════

══════ ☽•°°•☾ ══════__Disclaimer:
__ I'm NOT (!) the Person on the Pic!
The Bluesky/Minds Account associated with this Site is for Role Play purposes ONLY!
The Person on the Picture is in NO WAY (!) affiliated with me, the Owner and Writer of the associated Bluesky/Minds Account!
Interactions with people from Real Life (RL) are NOT (!) desired and RL Accounts are blocked without exception!
This Account is not suitable for minors nor for RPs with them!
The content is strictly aimed at adults!
══════ ☽•°1°•☾ ══════Faceclaim (FC)Meaning: My muse looks like the person used as FC without being that person.Note: Statements, Opinions and Actions are at no time related to the real person who is used as the FC!══════ ☽•°2°•☾ ══════How I write• "...Text..." → In Character talk 1
• '...Text...' → In Character Shapeshifter 1
• ...Text... → What the Character is doing
• [...Text...] → Thoughts in Character
• //...Text... → Out of Character (OoC)
1 Pls don't take everything so serious when I'm in Character! Thx!══════ ☽•°3°•☾ ══════Writer vs MuseKeep in mind that Words, Actions, as well as Behavior, Personality, Personal Views, or Opinions of my Muse are not a personal representation of me, the Writer and the used FC.IC is different from OoC!My Muse has their own Personality and Life Experience and will act according to their past experiences, their own personality and the situation.══════ ☽•°4°•☾ ══════Drama = Block› Don't involve/drag me (the Writer) in stupid unnecessary Drama, I've had enough of that in the past.
If there is something that bothers you then talk to me directly in the DM.
If you do it regardless, I will block you without warning.
› Don't accuse me (the Writer) of anything without first talking to me personally.
As an example, never accuse me of copying another Muse just because I use the same FC and without first taking a good look at my Muse!
If you do it nevertheless, you will be blocked without warning.
══════ ☽•°5°•☾ ══════Punctuations, Speech & ActionPlease put at least a little bit effort in your replies and keep your speech and actions separated. Thx!══════ ☽•°6°•☾ ══════OpenRP & Specific Starters› OpenRP: I don't always write OpeneRP in a post. The reasons for this are that I am sometimes too lazy to write it in or simply need the space because I want to leave it at one post.› Specific Starters: In the case of plotted SLs, the post is set to "Only mentioned persons can reply".
Unfortunately, it has happened in the past that unwanted (harmless) reactions occurred.
══════ ☽•°7°•☾ ══════My DMsAre mostly open for OoC talk.
Please ask beforehand if I want to RP in my DMs.
You can also hit me up there if you have any questions about a RP or my Muse.
Pls accept & respect that I preffer to RP on the TL. Thx!══════ ☽•°8°•☾ ══════How descriptive I am?I'm semi descriptive til descriptive.
It depends on my mood & inspiration!
══════ ☽•°9°•☾ ══════MultiShips w/ChemNo focus on that.
Talk with me about that beforehand!
#MultiShip (#MS) means for me different Timelines/Story's and not one!
If you don't like my ship/s and you can't respect it, you'd better go.
══════ ☽•°10°•☾ ══════Flirt, Lewd, Erotic & NsfwFlirt: Possible that my Muse will tease your Muse in a flirty way.Lewd: This Account is not a lewd Account!!Erotic: No focus on it and only with Ship.Forced or even the attempt will not be tolerated and will result in a block.
I have certain limits, please ask them beforehand!!!
My muse doesn't exist to satisfy your sexual needs or fantasy!Nsfw: Doesn't always mean Erotic, it means also Mature and Dark themed stuff.══════ ☽•°°•☾ ══════

╔═════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ═════╗Experienced Writer
Female | 35+
Writer tag:#NariRP
Timezone: CET
First Language: German
Bluesky: NariRP
Carrd Site: Nari Writer
╚═════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ═════╝

╔═════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ═════╗Experienced Writer
Female | 35+
Writer tag:#NariRP
Timezone: CET
First Language: German
Bluesky: NariRP
Carrd Site: Nari Writer
╚═════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ═════╝